Events Calendar
Pathways promotes events—educational, cultural, metaphysical, spiritual, holistic, health and wellness related—offered by the Pathways Community and beyond. Listings are uploaded quarterly with each new magazine issue, then ongoing as events are received.
Search for workshops, classes, services, podcasts, expos & fairs, meetups and more—virtual and in-person—using event names, topics, or organizer information to narrow your results.
Submit a Calendar Listing — $5.00 per listing | Pathways Calendar: Event Submission Form
Reach thousands of unique visitors with a Calendar listing, which runs in our print edition (when received by submission deadline) and online (anytime). Questions? Contact Us!
Mouth-Tongue Exercises for Better Sleep Workshop
Vienna Community Center 120 Cherry St., Vienna, VAToning the soft tissues in the tongue, mouth, and throat [...]
Goddess Gathering: A Circle of Empowerment
Haven 101 Wellness Studio 101 N Adams St, Rockville, MDOur Goddess Gathering occurs on the second Tuesday of each [...]
The Power of Breath: Breathwork & Gentle Stretches (Free)
ONLINEThe breath is one of the most powerful tools at [...]
Wellness Wednesdays
ONLINEWellness Wednesdays give you the chance to ask questions about [...]
Journey Within: Self-Discovery Book Club (online)
ONLINEOnline book club hosted by Reston Regional Library that focuses [...]
A Course in Miracles Zoom Based Study Group
ONLINEMeeting each Wednesday evening from 7pm - 8:30pm EST. All [...]
Mediumship Development Circle, 6 Weeks Via Zoom
ONLINEThis mediumship circle provides participants with the ongoing opportunity to [...]
Yoga Nidra & Reiki
Haven 101 Wellness Studio 101 N Adams St, Rockville, MDPicture this: you walk into a serene studio space, filled [...]
Cannabis 101 Workshop
Lifeluxee 825 Upshur St., NW, Washington, DCCannabis Karma & Lifeluxee presents our Cannabis 101 workshop. Join [...]
The Drumming of Healing
Smile Herb Shop 4908 Berwyn Rd, College Park, MDDrum for healing, for skills, and for fun every Saturday [...]
Align, Achieve, Inspire: 3 Day Workshop for Entrepreneurs
Norfolk, VA Norfolk, VAJoin the "Align, Achieve, Inspire" three-day workshop geared towards spiritual [...]
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life Services
ONLINEGet ready to live an inspired Life! Led by Rev. [...]