Journey to the Apex: A Ritualistic Retreat • September 20-23, 2024

This retreat is for those in the healing arts:
1.) Who want refinement with their practices
2.) Who are devoted students of Alchemy and Change
3.) Who are open to embracing new identities as practitioners

The goal of this retreat is to open you up to a whole new level as a coach, a practitioner, a spiritual mentor/healer, a therapist, or a clinician, calibrating you to your new identity for an up-leveling in your personal and professional life.

Learn the subtle art of ritual to use with all 7 Embodiment Codes, in order to call in your guides for each of these codes. You will learn a hands-on therapy modality that will help you to feel for the core current life force energy both in yourself and with your clients.

We will use a blend of scientifically-proven therapy methods combined with energy medicine and ritual to clear distortions from the body and mind and attune you to your intuitive gifts. Don’t miss this incredibly unique opportunity to heal together, evolve together, rest together, and play together!

This 3-day journey to the Apex will become an initiation into your own self-mastery.

Read related articles by Nyle and Dahlia from Pathways Magazine:
Why Body-Led Healing? by Nyle
Expanding Your Ability to Channel by Dahlia


DAY 1 – Friday

Arrivals. Meet and greet. Settle in for dinner.

DAY 2 – Saturday

10am – 12pm — Ritual Practice

2pm – 5pm — Ritual Practice

DAY 3 – Sunday

10am – 12pm — Core Current Practicum

2pm – 6pm — Apex Ceremony

*Subject to change

Nyle is a licensed Occupational Therapist with over 2 decades of experience in the field of Somatics. In 2020, she created a therapy modality that blends somatics and psychotherapy, known as the Four Quadrants of Embodiment. In this retreat, Nyle will teach participants a series of ritual practices and body-based healings that honour the body’s need for healing in trauma recovery.

In order to navigate our way to the Apex, we must become aware of the subtle body and subtle energy fields with our shifting process. Dahlia will guide us through integrating the highest version of ourselves that is available after we expand into each subtle aspect of the kaleidoscope, that is our energetic make up. As ancient peoples once emphasized the transition points for each person in their tribe, we will create ceremony and meditation that draws and anchors in each process that we move through. This entire weekend is where the rubber meets the road for us to move beyond intellectualization and being told of our energetic and physical make up. This is where we boldly step into the world to embrace our individuality as an important part of the collective and cosmic evolution of mankind.


Space is limited! Register early to secure your spot. To contact us: 240-247-0393;

Single Occupancy:
$1395 early bird; $1595 after 8/20/24

Shared Occupancy (Twin Beds):
$995 early bird; $1195 after 8/20/24

Lodging, Food, Beverage & Full Program Included