Article Submissions

Pathways Magazine is published quarterly with the seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Editorial Staff accepts article submissions up to 6 weeks prior to publication. Articles will be considered for inclusion on a case-by-case basis for the current issue. Placement priority is given to articles relevant to issue themes, timeliness for the season, and other criteria at the discretion of the Editor and Publisher.  

2024 Deadlines*:

  • Spring 2024: February 2
  • Summer 2024: May 1
  • Fall 2024: August 2
  • Winter 2024 – 25: November 1

*Subject to change based on printing schedule

Pathways Magazine Editorial & Advertising Calendar

In addition to the themes and topics we regularly feature in our magazine (see below), we invite articles and advertising that address these selected areas, some seasonally-focused, for upcoming issues:

Spring 2024: Sustainable Solutions

  • Urban Farming
  • Making Mead/Meaderies
  • Rewilding

Article Submission Deadline: February 2
Ad Placement Order Deadline: February 23
Digital Issue Release Date: Week of March 4
Print Edition Distribution Starts: Week of March 4

Summer 2024: Time Well Spent

  • Political/civic engagement
  • Family dynamics
  • LGBTQ+ activism
  • Eco-tourism

Article Submission Deadline: May 1
Ad Placement Order Deadline: May 17
Digital Issue Release Date: Week of May 27
Print Edition Distribution Starts: Week of May 27

Fall 2024: Education Matters

  • Safeguarding Democracy
  • Composting & Zero Waste resources
  • Local/student volunteerism opportunities
  • Wiccan culture

Article Submission Deadline: August 1
Ad Placement Order Deadline: August 23
Digital Issue Release Date: Week of September 2
Print Edition Distribution Starts: Week of September 2

Winter 2024: Resolutions

  • Past Life Regression
  • Angels/Angelic Wisdom
  • Grief
  • Health/Healing Modalities

Article Submission Deadline: November 1
Ad Placement Order Deadline: November 18
Digital Issue Release Date: Week of December 2
Print Edition Distribution Starts: Week of December 2

Pathways invite article submissions for consideration in any of these areas:

  • Holistic health, complementary/alternative medicine, nutrition, exercise, wellness
  • Environmental, peace, social, ecological, and activism themes/topics
  • Human potential and leading edge “new thought” themes
  • Intuitive, metaphysical, spiritual and new age themes/topics
  • Local/Regional news, profiles, events, cultural stories of interest for DC-MD-VA

Article Specifications & Editorial Guidelines:

  • Article length can vary depending on subject matter. We accept articles from 600-3000 words.
  • Articles should be submitted BY EMAIL as an MSWord file attachment OR shared Google Document, with little to no specialized formatting.
  • If sending images to accompany an article, the contributor must have permission to use any images or illustrations. All images should be sent as separate file attachments, and NOT solely embedded in the article document; JPG, PNG, GIF and PDF formats accepted.
  • Articles are submitted with the understanding they are done so unpaid, and with the knowledge the final article may include editing and formatting necessary to meet layout and publishing specifications and standards.
  • Payment for any submitted articles is extremely rare, and done solely at the discretion of the publisher.
  • Contributing writers are afforded one complimentary ad placement, quarter-page or smaller, and one complimentary calendar listing, to run in the same magazine issue.
  • All submitted articles are considered for publication, but all are NOT guaranteed placement. Article publication is a thoughtful, complex decision-making process with many determining factors, including ad count, page count, theme, seasonal content, etc. The Editor may choose to hold submitted articles for future issues, at which time permission to run the piece would be secured from the contributor.

Pathways does NOT accept:

  • Articles for the purpose of self-promotion or including promotional content, and no advertorials – for marketing support, see our Print & Online Advertising 
  • Advocacy articles (“puff pieces”) about a group, guru or event
  • Articles offered contingent on ad placement, submitted by the author, being run.


We present these themes and topics of interest through the following segments featured regularly in our magazine: 

  • Pathways Profile/Main Interview
  • Herb Corner
  • Yoga Today
  • Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Astrological Insights
  • Cultivating Compassion
  • To Your Health
  • Green News & Views
  • Environmental & Social Justice
  • Accessing Your Intuition
  • Community News
  • Washington Gardener
  • Book Reviews/Metaphysical Book Reviews
  • Global Visions
  • On The Path
  • Music/Movie Reviews
  • Youth Voices
  • Animal Wellness
  • Energetic Literacy