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Rosetree Energy Spirituality

Work Sterling VA 20164 Work Phone: 703-450-9514 Anniversary: December 6, 2022 Website:


Calling Empaths, Aura Readers, and Other New Clients

Already you may know Rose Rosetree as the Pathways Magazine Columnist on Energetic Literacy. But do you know how powerful her personal sessions are? Find out how she can help you personally. Neither psychic readings nor psychology, these sessions offer you unique insight.

I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to work with Rose. Her energetic literacy has been an invaluable resource, helping me to learn more about myself and others than I ever thought possible.

Mention this ad and receive a Pathways Discount: $25 OFF your first personal session with Rose.

To claim your #$25 discount for first-time clients, email:

Categories: Aura Reading