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Sandra Chaloux Spiritual Art

Contact: Sandra Chaloux
Work 42014 Kudu Ct Aldie VA 20105 Work Phone: 703-270-3550 Website:
Photo of Sandra Chaloux Spiritual Art


I am an intuitive and spiritual guide. I now channel inspiration and healing vibrations from the spirit realm into flow art paintings and jewelry. The inspiration or intention for these paintings is to support chakra balancing, to enhance divine connection, and to bring inspiration and healing and higher vibrations through their vibrant colors from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and my Angels and Guides. These paintings help you create or enhance your sacred space in your home or work space, help you to raise your vibration, and the vibration of your space. They help to harmonize within and around. These are contemporary acrylic paintings on canvas with various universal spiritual themes. Very versatile and light-weight and are easy to hang. No frame required.

The jewelry is programmable through heart-based higher intention.

Categories: Art, Channeling, Spiritual Healing