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The Soul Source
Do you want to uncover your soul’s plan for this lifetime?
Do you want to understand patterns of beliefs and feelings?
Is there tension between your inner and outer worlds?
Are you longing for understanding on your spiritual journey?
If so, enroll in Soul School.
Soul School is a program of SOUL SOURCE. It runs monthly, for 9-sessions, autumn through spring. It provides a framework for understanding you are an eternal spiritual being having a human experience.
Topics include: The souls eternal nature; the soul planning process; the role relationships play in the souls journey; understanding the past; unburdening the past; self-worth, self-esteem and self-acceptance; discovering your divinity; finding peace, balance and security; living in joy and higher purpose.
Join me on your journey of discovery! Joanne Selinske, contact: See website for details and registration.
18015 Muncaster Road Derwood MD 20855